Tuesday, September 01, 2009

4 years.

4 years have come and gone.

Its hard to believe. Its like coming in as a Freshman, then graduating as a Senior.

Lots of friends have come and gone. I'm still here.

If I had to compare London to College, or University as they call it here, it would be a "commuter" city.

Its like those colleges where no one really "stays" and "lives" on campus... they come, and they go.. I guess I'm one of the few that's living on "campus."

Why am I still here?

Its not the weather that's for sure. The weather during the summer doesn't compare to Chicago summers. (Although I've heard that the summer this year in Chi-town hasn't been that great)

I think its three things really.

1. The love of my life is here.
2. My career. I still enjoy what I'm doing.
3. Traveling in Europe. I'm a serious travel addict. (Amsterdam this weekend! 4th time since I've moved, 5th time total. Yikes.)

That said, a year from now I can apply for permanent residency, and a year after that, apply for UK Citizenship. So why leave now?

With UK Citizenship, it opens to the door, hopefully, to working anywhere in the EU.

I love America, and I miss it, but why miss the chance and opportunity to have dual citizenship. =)

If only I can stay up in the middle of the night to watch the Bears and Cubs, and sports in general. =/

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