Friday, May 27, 2005

Initial Offer

Obtained the initial offer to move to London. I couldn't believe it at first, but after all the waiting, reality started to set in. Once I got the offer I couldn't believe it. Why London?
1. Career Growth - I've reached the peak when it comes to career growth in Chicago. Time to move to locations in that has true financial action. NYC, Stamford, or London. No brainer, Europe it was.
2. Timing - My boss had left and the global head moved me up to take his place. What more can I ask for? Report to the Global Head of Architecture in all of IB? Yes, please.
3. Single - No ties, no kids, no worries!
4. Lifetime experience. Late Twenties and have the opportunity to work and live in London, how can I pass it up? Weekend excursions around Europe for cheap? I think so.
5. Change - Everyone seems to be growing up, either going to grad school, getting married, having kids, etc. I feel this is my opportunity for change!

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