Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tourist in my hometown

It's weird being a tourist in my hometown. I guess its no similar than me taking people around London. But, its weird mainly because I don't live here anymore, and coming back and visiting, and being a tourist, even though I use to live here... if that makes any sense. =)

In any case, we were at the Cubs game on Saturday when they clinched the division. Unforgettable experience. Bleachers too. I just hope they don't break my heart, again.

But its nice being back, and we've been blessed with such awesome weather! I think this week I'll get more sun than I did in all of the London summer! And when I mean sun, I mean, "biting your skin" sun. The sun where you say.. "wow, its hot." Not the, "wow its bright, but its still kind of mild" sun like we do in London.

In any case, I'm in enjoying the summer that never was, now.

1 comment:

Abby said...

what should i pack? blazers, scarves, slacks and light sweaters? or will that make me sweat?