Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ramble ramble.. cryptic.. cryptic..

Its funny sometimes how life works.

I think no matter how much you plan life, or try to anticipate it, it doesn't always turn out the way you want, or even, turns out better than you expect.

Either way, if everything always went to plan, wouldn't it be pretty boring?

As 2008 is slowly coming to a close, this has been a very significant year.

I think this is one of the years where from a personal point of view, I've accomplished a lot. And more importantly, I've learned a lot about myself.

I think the first year I moved here I was learning a lot, adjusting, and getting use to the London "grind." Then, I think I got into a groove and things just started "settling" in. Things became more "routine."

But I think the past year, I've gotten into the "mix of things." I've experienced a bit of "change" from a personal and professional perspective.

I've made time for things I normally wouldn't, and I've taken on new challenges that I didn't think would be possible in my first year here.

I've realized a lot of things about myself that I didn't know about. You know when you are happily cruising in life, without giving into too much introspection, and you just go with the flow? You think to yourself, life is good. But then what happens when things go bad? What if the routine is disturbed?

At least for me, I start "thinking." Being an analytical person, this whole "go with the flow" routine is thrown out of the window. A lot of introspection takes place and you start to think about how to resolve the problem, or make the situation better.

Do I just do nothing and complain or do I take "action." Do I admit my mistake and correct the problem, or do I wait until it goes away by itself?

I'd like to say this year, I did take "action." I'd like to say that I've made some mistakes, and will do everything I can to resolve the problem. I have in some cases, and am continuing to work on others.

I don't want to "go with the flow" as I've done, because sometimes that's not enough. Sometimes you just have to be proactive and not be "stagnant." Sometimes you have to look within yourself and do what you can to make things better.

With this in mind, I came to a realization the other day that, in some respects, I don't know a part of me as well as I should. Its weird. Its like when you are studying something, and you overlook something because you think you know it, but when someone actually quizzed you on it, you don't know that answer? It's like that.

"Oh, I know I'm like this or that." But then when you are "tested" on it, you don't turn out that way? But I guess the fact that I've recognized that is a good thing. And its something that I should work on.

I know, I'm confusing.

Blog, I miss you. Sorry I haven't been as faithful as I should. =)

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