Friday, March 27, 2009

For what its worth..

Someone was kind enough to send me their address 2 weeks ago. And to keep my word, and take my own challenge, the same night I recieved the address, I wrote a letter back, about 2 pages, and immediately went to the Post Office, waited in the long queue, paid for Airmail postage, and sent it off. The letter arrived safely, as I confirmed it. It has yet to be revealed if that "someone" will have the time or make the effort to write back. =)

So what's news?

The good ol' G20 is going to be arriving here in the UK! I'm hoping to partake in the madness since their meetings are very close to where I work. Maybe I can catch a glimpse of President Obama, though I highly doubt it. Maybe I'll partake in the many protests that are bound to happen. Who knows, but it will be interesting.

Anti-capitalism protesters were handing out fake Financial Times papers around the area where I work. A copy of it is here:

Either way, it will be interesting to see how the people in the UK will be reacting with the world's top 20 leaders meet to figure out what to do in this financial crisis.

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