Saturday, May 09, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Have you checked the calendar lately? Its May.

Almost halfway through the year, and thought I'd make a visit.

It looks like I've broken my streak of trying to keep this updated about once a month. It then started to make me wonder. Where did all my time go?

Inspired by HIMYM, Marshall had all these pie charts and graphs about all these statistics on certain topics.

How cool would it be if you just pressed a button on your body that told you what your "Time statistics" were.

You would have obvious categories like:

* Eating
* Sleeping
* Working

and even something like: "Toiletries" (you can go wild on this category breakdown)

And then you would have another category called, "Other" or "Free Time"

Then it would break down what the hell you do in your free time. You could have all these categories under it like:

* Family Time
* Traveling
* Watching TV or Movies
* Reading
* Video Games
* Internet Surfing (break this down to websites!)

Because seriously, sometimes I wonder where all my time goes. Why can't someone make an iPhone app for this that its so good you don't even had to log the time yourself?

As I write this, it's been over a month and a half since my last post, and I think I'd be interested in where that time has gone.

I've had a few trips outside of London, including beautiful Southern France, a recent 3 day weekend which involved me staying up till 5am for the Hatton v. Pacquiao, (what a knock out) but other than that, where has the time gone?

I think sometimes I get caught up in the "daily grind" - working long hours, getting home late, not enough sleep, and maybe, I just need to take a deep breathe and just stop. Take 10-15 minutes for myself and either just reflect, read a book or maybe even write!

Whatever my time statistics are, I definitely need more time to unwind and chill. I think my "blog posting statistics" says it all. Its pretty bad when it took me a few times to remember what my login was. Doh.

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