Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Finally the Obama years have begun.

Its so amazing how much enthusiasm there is for a President. But I guess, its now down to business. Hopefully he'll fulfill his promises. But with all politicians, I'd like to see what they actually do, rather than what they actually say.

So here's a nice website that is keeping track:

So as January is coming close to an end, how about those resolutions?

To compare from last year, I didn't too bad.

  • Golf - epic fail. Didn't even go once. I blame the fact that I don't have any golf buddies, nor a car. I did get to play on a couple simulators, but no 9 or 18 hole action.

  • Ride my bike - success! Got it fixed. Had a couple of weekends during the summer when its all I did!

  • Read more - success! Read 7 books as promised. It came close to where I thought I wasn't going to finish. I think the best book that I really enjoyed was Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. The classic, 1984, by George Orwell was pretty good as well.

  • New Skill - Salsa and French. And in fact, continuing with it this year. Taking level 2 French currently, and went Salsa dancing this past weekend!

As for this year, its going to be hard to top last year. But here it goes:

  • Continue to read - Let's push the limit and bump up the goal to 8 books. I know that's lame, but I have to leave time to study French!

  • Be culturally aware. What does this mean? I think just trying to go to exhibitions, plays, shows, and "experience what London has to offer" type of thing. I started this with a membership to the Tate Modern. We'll see how often I take advantage of this.

  • Be Financially disciplined - explains itself

  • Sleep earlier - I stay up late all the time, I need more Z's!

As the month is coming to an end, its been a very busy month. A couple of surprises this month that were very memorable. A visit from my sister, and a surprise birthday bash! And now this weekend, a childhood friend and family are coming to visit for the first time, so its been a great start to the year so far.

Hopefully it will continue and I'll have may more things to write about.

Congrats again to Obama and hopefully he'll steer America in the right direction once again.

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