Friday, September 22, 2006

London vs. NYC

Spent some time with a coworker who made the move from London and now working in NYC. He provided some interesting insights on what he missed and didn't miss about living in London.

I've been to NYC many times before, but its interesting to experience it with my home now in London. Comparing it to Chicago, it was easy to see the differences. Immediately, NYC was a lot bigger and seemed more dirtier than Chicago. I didn't see the subtle differences because they were both American cities.

Comparing it to London though, I notice some things right away. Diversity. NYC is definitely more of a melting pot than London. Convenience. I can't believe how many different restaurants, shops, and convienience stores there are in one city block! Yes, there are a few in London, but in NYC, there is definately more saturation. Pace. NYC and London seem to have the same "pace" whereas Chicago has a slower "pace." NYC seems to have more "eye candy" than London!

Sure, this was only a brief taste, but I guess I can see NYC as a natural transition from London if I did come back from the States. Who knows, maybe in a year or two, I'll have another blog talking about my experiences in NYC!

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