Monday, August 27, 2007

True Wingman

Summer has finally arrived in London. Well, at least for the long weekend. And what better way to enjoy the summer weekend than sitting outside some pub - drinking, and enjoying the sun.

We decide to stay local and enjoy the view of the river Thames. We find a bar along the riverside and take a table outside.

Typical of many single heterosexual males, myself included, my mate is constantly checking out women. He's always on the lookout, particularly of the eastern bloc type. Its especially funny when we're having a conversation, perhaps about the meaning of life, and all of a sudden he'll completely lose concentration and his eyes would wander off to the left or right. At that instant, I don't have to question what had just distracted him.

This is more of a problem if there is an attractive woman sitting nearby. Just like what I experienced this past weekend.

We're sitting enjoying the sun, multi-tasking between drinking our pints, bs'ing about some random topic, and of course, people watching.

Sure enough, two blonde women approach this fine establishment, taking a seat outside, nearby our table. Immediately I get commentary from my mate. Complimenting one of them and basically describing to me what kind of woman she is just by looking at her for the first 5 minutes.

As we continue to enjoy the sun, he keeps telling me that she keeps looking over. We'll talk about some random topic, and every 10 minutes he's obsessed with the fact that they keep exchanging glances. I'm facing the wrong direction so I move my chair strategically to confirm. As the afternoon moves on, I eventually confirm this myself. There were no doubt blatant eye contact and an exchange of smiles!

Sure enough, just like any "true wingman" I egg him on to go up to them and introduce himself. She's given him the obvious "green light" so how could he not. I had to encourage him because if he didn't take action, I'd hear it for the rest of the day on how he didn't do anything!

With the right amount of encouragement, I knew he was going to do it. After all, I've seen him in action before, and it was just a matter of time before he stood up and walked over...

And he did.

As he proceeded, I quickly looked away and hoped for the best. Sometimes I just can't stand to look when a mate gets rejected. I guess I could have accompanied him at first, but I told him to wave me over if he needed reinforcements.

Walking over like he did took a lot of cajones. Personally, I probably wouldn't have been able to do it. But he did. Sure enough, not even after 5 minutes, he waved me over.

I was called to perform my duties as wingman!

Little did I know what I was going to get myself into.

To be continued..

1 comment:

Abby said...

'to be continued'? what the hay! cliff-hanger...thanks. hurry up and write the rest of the story, please. :)