Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Follow the grocery bags!!

I find myself doing a lot more grocery shopping here than when I was in the states. Back when I lived downtown, I'd literally go grocery shopping once a month because I'd buy all these groceries and stuff them in this huge shopping cart and put everything in the trunk of my car. I would load up on everything because I was lazy to go grocery shopping. I didn't feel the need to go every other day because:

1. I felt it unnecessary and liked to eat out anyway.
2. I didn't cook, so the need of having fresh ingredients for a dish was not likely because I had a microwave.

So fast forward to now. I've gone grocery shopping more in the past two weeks than I would have back home in the span of 4-5 months. Seriously. Reason?

1. All I have are these little grocery stores that are filled with so many people. We're talking the size of White Hen here.
2. There are no shopping carts, at least the ones I've been too. They have those picnic style shopping baskets that you can't carry much anyway.
3. I have no car! Even if I did load up, you know how hard it would be to carry all those groceries home! How annoying. I need like a granny cart or something.

Lately I've just been going to this convenience store called Costcutters. Costcutters my arse. Things are so expensive there. I think 4 rolls of toilet paper were equivalent to about $3.00. And a bottle of shaving cream was like $5.00 after the currency conversion.

So during lunch at work I've noticed all these people carrying these grocery bags. For some reason Brits like grocery shopping during their lunch hour. I have no idea why. Anyway, I always wondered where these people were going to buy their groceries. Until I decided to find out.

After work I decided to check it out. I really didn't have any idea where this place was. Plus it was after work and I didn't know if people would be walking around with their grocery bags. Luckily I spotted a few. I followed the direction where these people were coming from, hopefully finding their origin.
Sure enough, I did find it! I was so happy because I thought it was so far, but luckily it was only a block over. It was the strangest feeling looking for people with grocery bags. It was like following a trail of breadcrums or something.

This place was huge. Not in the sense of good ol' American Dominicks or Meijer, but a lot bigger than a convenience store! Anyway, I did pick up a few items and things were a lot cheaper. The only problem was, I ran out of contact solution and they didn't sell it! I thought that was quite strange. They didn't have any chapstick either. Anyway, in two weeks hopefully my stuff that I shipped from the states arrive. I went crazy at Sam's club before I left so my stock for toiletries and such should last me the whole year!

In Prague, instead of "Open 24 hours" they call it "Nonstop"

In Prague, there were a lot of Chinese food restaurants. Didn't have any though. I did have the Goulash. Man did that give me gas. I did have a decent steak there though. And fried cheese! That was real good. The Czech food is pretty heavy and a lot of it had some kind of potato sidedish.

1 comment:

Abby said...

you're a grocery bag stalker who has a gas problem? oh boy. (too funny).