Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Time Flies When you are Having Fun

My visit back to the States happened so quickly. For some reason time goes by so much faster when I'm back in the States than it does here in the UK. Maybe the saying "Time Flies when you are having fun." has some truth to it.

First, apologies for not meeting up with some of you! Maybe it was bad planning on my part, or poor communication but I simply ran out of time. The first few days were dedicated to family and then I was out of town for the next three, which technically left 3-4 days of social free time! But to those who I did see, nice seeing you guys again. It was nice catching up.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love my friends and family back home. Maybe its because I've known most of you all my life and have that "chemistry", but its been tough finding that "kind" of friendship here in the UK and have the ability to "be myself" around people. I think that once I do find that "kind" of friendship here maybe the saying "Time Flies when you are having fun." will hold true here as well.

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