Friday, July 28, 2006

Use your hands!!

And there it was.. in all its glory.

The "OZ" Lamb Burger they called it. Sitting in front of me.

I opted for the Steak instead of the Lamb, but it was going to be good.

Fried free range egg, grilled pineapple, yellow beetroot relish, red beetroot slice, tomato & lettuce, and of course the slab of meat, all in between a sesame seeded bun.

I've had it before and was truly enjoyable.

My other colleagues ordered it too. I think all of us ordered burgers except for one person.

I took my knife and cut it in half so I can handle it properly.

As I salivated, I placed a napkin on my lap and rubbed my hands together to enjoy such a glorious meal.

As I looked around to make sure everyone had their food, I was just about to grab my burger.. when..

What's this? What is everyone doing? Why are they doing that!! No!!

As I briefly paused, I watched everyone continue to use their knives and forks!
What the hell is going on! Why is everyone using utensils to eat a burger!!

I understand using them to cut the burger in half, but to eat the whole thing?

Immediately as I grabbed the one half of the burger and took a big bite, I slowly put it down and grabbed my knife and fork. Don't ask me why, but I just felt like a pig compared to everyone else! I felt it wasn't "proper" to eat the thing with my hands!

So instead I give into peer pressure and eat it in a more proper way. Eating a big burger with a knife and fork... I tell ya, its not the same. You don't get the same effect because once you use a knife and fork, you don't get to shove the whole damn thing in your mouth encompassing all the layers of the burger! Instead you cut it up in little pieces. Maybe a little part of the bun with some of the meat, maybe a piece of meat with the egg, etc. It truly gives a new meaning to the saying "the whole (burger) does not equal the sum of its parts!"

1 comment:

kristine said...

aye that's retarded.