Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The cure to Homesick funk

Admittedly, a good amount of homesickness took over me after the two week holiday with everyone. I got into this weird funk of introspection and why I was here. I started to think about the importance of a support system and how it wasn't as strong as it is here than in Chicago. Being surrounded by close family and friends started to weigh heavily on me, more than it did in the past.

This familiar "funk" comes and goes, and it was pretty bad last week. But I think I'm off the funk after impro class yesterday.

The impro class gives me a familiar sense of belonging. Its probably the closest thing I can get to friends and family back home and gives me a chance to be my goofy self. I had missed the first week because of the "funk." But decided last week I needed to sign up for another term after a 3 week break. Sure enough, my instructor mentioned that people were asking about my absence.

I turn up yesterday and familiar faces were happy to see that I was back for another term. I can't explain how powerful this is. Just small comments about how people are happy to see you again goes a really long way. A true cure to the homesick funk.

So next time you haven't seen someone for a while, remind them how nice it is to see them again! Its a very powerful compliment!

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