Thursday, February 23, 2006

That was fast..

I had my last class of yoga yesterday. Unbelievable. 6 weeks just like that. Well, I did miss one for a steak dinner. =) We performed more complicated moves without a lot of guidence. There was about a half hour of constant motion and we were all shadowing the teacher and all you can hear is breathing! It was pretty intense. Despite the bare feet, the "oops" and being the only guy, I think I'm going to do another 6 weeks!

It kinda snowed the other day. Actually I think it was hail because it hurt my head coming down. =/

Another online dating comment..
So you look through all these profiles and its like hard work. So you find someone interesting and you decide to send them a message. Especially the ones where they specify: "Any" for "Type of Relationship" So you figure what the heck? The funny thing is, you'll send a message, and you'll get this notification that they read it. Normally, if they've "read" it, they should write back right? Yeah, still waiting for that part.. at least I get rejected online than face to face! Too bad I can't give them a link to my blog to reveal my brilliant writing ability. =)

1 comment:

Renato Tosoc said...

Online dating sounds like it's a sales job. Just a numbers game, my friend; a contact sport, if you will. Just get your name out there. Something will stick.