Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day: Past, Present, Future

Happy Valentine's Day!

The past few years I've spent Valentine's Day getting utterly wasted with a group of bachelors as a couple of my faithful readers can attest. There are a handful of Valentine's Days that I've remembered throughout the years.

One was during kindergarten. It was my first Valentine's Day and the teacher asked us to bring our Valentine's Day cards for our Vday party. This was a daunting task. I didn't have any experience with it. I remember going to Hallmark and picking out 2 or 3 of those "regular sizes" Valentine's Day cards. You know, the ones you get now for someone. The problem is, you didn't get these "regular size" cards when you were in kindergarten. I showed up to class the next day and everyone had those "baseball card" sized Valentine's Day cards and passed it out to everyone! Everyone also brought shoeboxes decorated with hearts and it had these slits on top so you can shove your cards in the box. This presented a few problems for me.

1. I only bought 2 or 3 cards, and at the time, these cards were considered Jumbo sized.

2. I didn't have a decorated Valentine's Day shoebox so everyone just threw the cards on top of my desk.

3. While everyone spent 10 mins passing out their Valentine's Day cards to everyone, it only took me like 2 min and I sat there at my desk while everyone looked at me, wondered why I didn't have a shoebox, and simply dropped the card on top of my desk.

Quite memorable and embarrassing at the same time. As the years have gone by, I learned my lesson. I remember using my "best handwriting" on the Valentine cards that I was giving to my "secret crushes." Sometimes I would insert one of those candy hearts with those sayings on them. Picking one that expressed how I felt was very critical during those times!

This year I was determined not to stay at home. So I treated myself to a nice dinner, visited my local Borders, had my Chi Latte and buried myself in knowledge.
It was definitely "me" time. Something I should appreciate.

I think it will be interesting a year from now what progress I will have in the "dating scene." Hopefully I will still be writing in this thing and can reflect back a year later.


dk said...

forgive my ignorance. is valentine's day an american holiday or a global holiday? is it celebrated in the UK?
i always thought it was invented by hallmark much like sweetest day.

chris, very funny kindergarten story. i can relate.

kristine said...

lol kuya i remember when mom and dad told me that story! it was more funnier/sadder coming from them!

dk said...

brilliant Roy...who's up for going out tonight on the hunt?
let's put that theory to the test.

dk said...

yes, m212, i must agree...those comments made by roy and dk were quite mean! so heartless i tell ya!

Renato Tosoc said...

The British Museum