Sunday, February 05, 2006

Cocktail Parties and Sequels

So I went back to my stylist on Saturday. He did a good job before so I trust his haircutting skills. The puma on his head is gone because he grew out his hair. Its always weird for me when I get a haircut, even when my aunt use to do it. I'm constantly trying to strike conversation, but it never works. So when he was cutting my hair, I wanted to say..

"Hey you grew out your hair! I can't see the tattoo on your head anymore!"

But then I would play that over and over in my head while he cut my hair and realised how stupid that sounded.

Anyway, so he asks me if I was going out that evening. In hopes to hide my nonexistent social life, I immediately respond like I had these big plans. Little did he know I had no plans at all. =)

To hold some kind of truth to my answer I made the effort to call my other coworker that works in the business side of things. He was invited to a cocktail party by a colleague of his and he didn't know anybody but him. A flat full of people I didn't know, how could I not pass it up.

First off, we walk in and its a table full of people that had just finished dinner. Its one of those awkward moments where you sit there and try to introduce yourself to each and every person where you know you'll probably won't remember their names anyway. While my coworker introduced himself to each person sitting in the dining room table, I took the easy way out. I performed the 'hanging tough' wave.

What's the 'hanging tough' wave? If you were ever a fan of the New Kids on the Block and the song 'Hangin' Tough,' you know what I'm talking about. There's a dance move during the chorus where they move one of their arms up in the air from side to side while they sing. It's a brilliant move. And if you are a true fan, you'll know what I'm talking about. In fact, here's a link for reference. The move is towards the end. (Turn down the volume unless you want to be embarrassed.)

Anyway, I performed the 'hanging tough' wave and at the same time introducing myself. Works wonders I tell ya.

The night was filled with meeting many interesting people. A German guy that works in Zurich who loves Asia (Singapore and China specifically) where studying abroad included: North Carolina and Buenos Aires. A couple of ladies where their studies included a 3 year program studying in the UK, France, and Germany. A Dutch guy that is considering a move to Asia and a couple that have actually been to Chicago and complain how cold it is!

I thought it was interesting fielding different questions including:

What's the difference between NY and Chicago?
Isn't it colder in Chicago than it is in NY?
If you lived in the States, what was the benefit of moving here?

All in all, it was okay. Will I ever see these people again? Who knows. I think I need to fine tune my social skills. I'm a bit too shy.

I get it.. part II
Perhaps I should elaborate more on my previous post on friendships. His quote was coming from my comment to him that I missed the 'instant chemistry' I had back home. You know, the chemistry that comes with not seeing someone for a while and basically 'picking up where you left off' the first time you see them after 'x' amount of months. I miss that here. Meeting up with someone face to face and just 'bonding.' I'm not saying its not going to happen here, it just frustrating that there isn't that 'go to' person that you can grab some 'Starbucks' and BS with.

Educational Sunday Part II
Went to visit the Science Museum. Yay. Saw the special Alien and Iceland exhibits. Did you know that a cockroach can live without its head? (But eventually die due to thirst?) Did you know that 11 percent of Iceland is covered in glaciers? The Iceland exhibit held most of my interest because they had these computers where you can click all these topics and watch videos on each subject.

Superbowl XL
It so weird. It's late night and the Superbowl is on. But without American commercials! Bah! At least they have American broadcasters.

1 comment:

dk said...

Are you really a shy guy? I thought you were the life of the party in all settings. Were there any cuties at the cocktail party?