Wednesday, November 30, 2005


[2nd post of the day]

My old boss had a little celebration since he just bought a new flat. A bunch of his had bread, chorizo, jamon, and even sardines. Little dishes of Spanish cuisine. (Since he's from Spain.) The best was the flan at the end.

But during this celebration everyone shared about 3 bottles of champagne. I had a few glasses and its weird feeling a little tipsy while trying to work! You can tell other co-workers were too because everyone was yelling at each other instead of using their normal tone of conversation.. cracks me up..

You ever get a little tipsy or drunk and just have to announce it to everyone.. I think its the funniest thing..

You walk around.. and tell everyone..

"I'm so drunk!!"

"Dude, I'm totally buzzin."

I know you've all done it before, don't lie.


kristine said...

hahaa wait a second! was this at work? and did you write this while you were drunk??

Renato Tosoc said...

I was buzzed the other day during work. I went to hooters and shared some beers with colleagues. I didn't tell them I was buzzed. I just went home.

Abby said... got me there. i announced my drunkeness just this past saturday. read my blog posting dated 12.7.2005.